Jun 072012

I have uploaded new genealogies for both the Stedman families of North America tree and the Stedman UK tree this evening.

I have updated numerous families in both groups, including adding additional photos and documents.

In the UK families, I have made a major addition of the Stedman-Osborn family of Coldwaltham, Sussex. I have included much excellent work contributed by a family member in the UK, including copies and some transcription of 18th century wills and other documents that prove this family’s rather remarkable history.

I have also continued to fill in gaps in the extensive Ardingly, Sussex / Sevenoaks/Rochester, Kent family. Several family lines have been added that had been missed previously, especially among the descendants of Philip Stedman, son of Nathaniel Stedman and Mary Parsons. These updates are a work in progress as we are searching for some evidence in Kent that might link some lines that had been previously held as parts of different families.

As always, more work has been done on some of the Harper’s Ferry, WV, Steadman families with the discovery of a line that had not previously been connected. An excellent researcher in Ohio provided some excellent, and some times surprising documentation of that family line.

And more updates to the South Carolina Steadman families. My wife and I spent some time in the Greenville, SC, library and the Old Buncombe County Genealogical Society library in Asheville in April and were able to find a wealth of new data that I will be a while in assimilating. If you are travelling in that area, both of these facilities have a wealth of information that you may not be able to find anywhere else.

I have even added some 1940 census data although later this year when it is fully indexed that will balloon!

Please note that I am mostly doing major development on UK families at this time as I have so much that needs to be done. Ancestry and FindMyPast have published several major databases of parish records that are helping immensely to reconstruct 19th century families, especially in the London area.

I could go on and on. Please click on the Family Trees tab above and explore.

AND, if you find something that is wrong or incomplete, please fill in the comment box and tell me about it in details so I can get it updated. I value your input and take that as my first priority. I try to get your updates entered within a week unless they involve a major work effort.

Thanks again for stopping by,

John Lisle
Nashua, New Hampshire

  3 Responses to “All Stedman Genealogies Updated”

  1. I am looking foreward to your discoveries from your trip to SC/NC.

    • Libby, I have included some of my discoveries from my trip. I will be posting more information from that trip in the weeks ahead. I do not think I found anything earthshaking, but I am starting to fill in pieces of the puzzle. Please look through the genealogies and see if there are specific questions that need to be answered for you.

  2. I live just a couple of miles from the Alton Cemetery in Ohio and I also take headstone pictures for Find-A Grave (free) if anyone has the need for same……I’m trying to figure out how to post the Steadman pictures I have?

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