About the Stedman Family Organization Genealogy Site


Welcome to the Stedman Family Organization Genealogy site where we try to have the most comprehensive registry of Stedman family data anywhere. Of course, we research families who use all spelling variations of Stedman, Steadman, Steedman, Stidman, and so on.

Our goal is not to provide you with a comprehensive family history as that would be impossible. What we do try to provide is a large collection of well documented, reconstructed family frameworks that you can use. We use vital records, parish and church records, cemetery records, census, published histories, and even compiled genealogies in creating our registry. When we use your genealogies or others that we find, we do extensive checking to assure that the data is corroborated with independent documentation. If someone shares a Gedcom with us, we do extensive checking to assure all of the data meets our standards before we add it to our registry.

But we are not perfect. We make mistakes and hope you tell us about them!

We periodically update the online genealogies. We usually include in an update, as with the current updates, some work in progress so that our research partners can review in detail what we have added.

One question I get asked all the time. “Are we related?” The answer is mostly a simple “NO!” However, you might be related to my wife Carolyn. About 20 years ago, I got started with Stedman research because of all the family lines we have, it is the only one with New England roots and, as we live in New England, we thought it was easier to research in our home area. It has been a great adventure as it has taken us all over the country and we have met fascinating folks in person and by email from all over the world.

Please click on the “Family Trees” Tab above and search for your Stedman relatives. Please feel free to register for an account that will get you some extra viewing privileges and let me know what you are interested in. Then go exploring! The site is always being upgraded.

This blog will be updated periodically with news of what we are working on along with some historical information about the Stedman family by myself and a few other contributors. If you have articles you would like to see published, please contact me by email.

Thanks for stopping by,

John B. Lisle
Nashua, New Hampshire
Stedman Surname Registrant, Guild of One Name Studies (London)
Founder and Administrator of the Stedman Surname DNA Project
Administrator of the RootsWeb.com Stedman surname Email lists.