Dec 112015

My much delayed UK Stedman/Steadman/Steedman genealogies was just been updated. Almost 6000 new names have been added since the last update. At least as many existing individuals have been updated.

I am continuing to assure that more of the members of the Stedman DNA project are included. I still have several more, especially more recent members, to include in this extended family tree.

I have added a large number of Scottish Steedmans/etc. I know this just barely scratches the surface and several of the family links are considered by me to be somewhat tentative. I hope to get more comments and updates in the upcoming months about Scottish families.

As part of the Scot effort, I added hundreds of Scot Steedmans who went to New Zealand. I am looking for feedback on these families as I still have a number of loose ends. I have also done a lot of work on other Stedmans and Steadmans in bother New Zealand and Australia.

I have been continuing to try to sort our the Stedman/etc. families who lived in Birmingham and Manchester regions. These folks turn out to be very difficult and a lot of existing on-line trees are just plain wrong.

I have added several more Stedman/etc families who migrated to Canada in the 19th and early 20th century from UK and Ireland. This is still a work in progress.

I have done a couple more of my given name studies – that is where I look for everyone with a certain given name as part of their given name. The most extensive was for the given name Leonard. I have identified almost 100 Stedman/etc men in the UK with Leonard as part of their given name. For most, I have traced their origins to an existing family or to an ancestor born before 1810. I have also tried to trace their extended families, meaning descendants and the family lines of their Stedman/etc. siblings and cousins.

These are just some of the recent highlights that I worked on.

If you search the trees and do not find your Stedman/etc. ancestor, I want to hear from you as updates from direct family members are the lifeblood of this project. Just a note: I prioritize research on people who currently have a Stedman/etc surname. I expect more assistance if you are from a daughter line where the Stedman ancestor was 100-200-300 years ago.

As always, I need your corrections. I try to document everyone correctly, but I use a proof standard based on the “preponderance of evidence”, meaning I use all of the data I can find to arrive at a conclusion, but I accept that additional evidence could lead to a different conclusion.

Happy Searching,


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